Why I Run!

May people have asked me why I run!  I hear it all the time.  “How do you run so much?”  “Don’t you get bored?”  “I hate to run.”  “I have bad knees.” And on and on! Truth is, I have always had a lot of energy.   I like to push myself physically.  Running lets me focus, naturally.  It helps me organize my day and plan my future.  If I can even pass along just a little of my love of running and fitness to my girls, I will be happy.

This is a recent photo of us from the Spring 2013 “Girls On The Run” race.  Hannah s on the left (and loves ponytails and buns) and Kayla is on the right and ALWAYS has her hair down! 

photo[7]Below is a favorite quote from a blog I follow (no meat athlete) – which sums up exactly why I run.

WHY I RUN: Some runners do it for the medals and the t-shirts. Some run just to stay in shape. And others do it because, as they say, running is cheaper than therapy. But I think that at the most basic level, every one of us who runs does so because, deep down, we crave that little daily battle — against busyness, distraction, adversity, self-doubt — that every time we lace up our shoes, push ourselves out the door, and run, we win!

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